Sunday 29 November 2015

MSJ Corporation



Executive Summary
MSJ Corporation is a company that will offer benchmarked rental units for the students, family and community. MSJ's units will balance safety and a positive atmosphere for all tenants. These rentals will be provided with a high quality of customer service and attention.

The Market
MSJ will target three distinct customer segments. The largest segment that they will service is the students living from far places. The second market is local professionals. The last segment is faculty and staff or the families.

1.1 Objectives
Safety and security first.
Improving other facilities and amenities needed.
Promoting substantial sale in a year.

1.2 Vision and Mission
MSJ is to maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction that is achievable. Tenant safety, happiness, and comfort are our main goals. That is why the founders of MSJ Corporation believe that employee satisfaction will make the company a success and will be the key to their longevity.
MSJ fosters the ideals of the importance of tenant needs along with healthy and understanding relationships and a professional commitment to satisfaction.

Company Summary
MSJ Corporation is an enterprise that is an area of intense training and attention is the importance of strong customer service.

MSJ offers on-site security who patrol the grounds during evenings, nights, and early mornings. We also offer an on-site repair service. There will always be an open line of communication between the renters and the management via an MSJ Web page and a 24-hour, call-in answering service.